Design, Manufacturing and Systems Integration Greenhouse

Rufepa Tecnoagro S.L. is a Spanish manufacturer and assembler of Greenhouse Turnkey projects all over the world for 25 years. From our first beginnings we have been always aware of the fast evolution of many countries and the quickness of the changes produced in the population consumption habits. More and more, the food needs to be produced in higher quantity due to the high pressure of the demographic growth all over the world, most of nations program their foods consume according to the following criteria:

  • Food security
  • Quality
  • Production 365 days per year.
  • Low demand of energy and labour.
  • Environmentally friendly production.
  • Production cost unit should be low and distance to the consumer needs to be short.

Based on these principles, our continuous evolution and sharing information with other companies linked to the agriculture technology, Universities and Institutes of Technology we can approach to our customers with a full package of solutions for his Agricultural Project. Evaluating which is the best option to produce depending on the climate, the crop and the available budget. That way, and joint to our factory, make us to be able to manufacture and assemble different models of greenhouses, either plastic, glass or nethouses.

Following our principle to give the most professional service to our customer, we made our best to set up our branches and new distribution points, in order to allow our customers to be close from RUFEPA’s personal at any time, and make them beneficiate from the best service, given by a fully equipped team. Under these principles, RUFEPA established RIMEX INVERNADEROS SA DE CV, in the Mexican state of Querétaro. All these accomplishments would never be possible if we didn’t have in RUFEPA a professional and an enthusiastic environment to make a good job. In fact, we know that the main achievements of the companies are propitiated by the addition of small achievements and big effort realized day by day, by each collaborator and each employee. By another way, it would never be possible to build a big company. For all these reasons, and if we have to summarize in few words what is our main goal, we would say: “Our aim is to see our customers growing each day and see them doing it always with us”

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Visit us at Saudi Agriculture in Riyadh.

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RUFEPA invites our friends to visit our stand at Growtech Eurasia

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Design, Manufacturing and Systems Integration Greenhouse

In RUFEPA we can make your project with sophisticated greenhouses glass type "Venlo, which is a product of high technology, quality and adaptability that fulfills the needs of horticulturists more demanding.

The dimensioning and design of the elements that make up the main structure are calculated specifically for each project with calculation software for glass greenhouses: CASTA.

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