
To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce LSSICE, below shows the general information of the website www.rufepa.com:

Holder Dominion www.rufepa.com:

Rufepa Tecnoagro, S.L. 
Rd. Balsicas - P.I. Palomares, 1 km 
Apdo. Box 1020 
30591 - Torre Pacheco 
Murcia (Spain) 
Cif .- B53260279


The use of services in www.rufepa.com imply acceptance of the following conditions:

1.- Acceptance and availability of the General Conditions.

By accepting this contract, you stated: 
a) You are a person of full age and capacity to recruit.
b) You have readed and agree to these terms. 
These general conditions ( "General Conditions"), governing the legal relationship that emanates from recruitment or consultations between users-customers ( "Customers") from the website Rufepa Tecnoagro, SL (hereinafter "Rufepa") located in the url http://www.rufepa.com.

Customers accept the general terms since the moment that use or make any consultation. This document can be printed and stored by customers. Rufepa. makes available to them, the phone number above and e-mail address info@rufepa.com, so they can raise any questions about the General Conditions.

2.- Rules applicable.

These Terms and Conditions are subject to the Law 7 / 1988, April 13, on general terms and conditions, the Law 26/1984 of 19 July, General for the Defense of Consumers and Users, to Royal Decree 1906/1999, of December 17, 1999, which regulates the Telephonic or Electronics recruitment with general conditions, the Organic Law 15/1999, December 13, Protection of Personal Data and Act 34 / 2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

3.- Amendment of the General Conditions.

Rufepa may amend the Terms and Conditions notifying clients in time, in order to improve services and services offered through Rufepa.

By changing the General Conditions set out in the website Rufepa, means fulfilled that duty of notification.

In any event, before using the services or advice, will consult the General Conditions.

4.- Intellectual Property.

The content provided by Rufepa are subject to intellectual property rights and industrial are the exclusive property of Rufepa or natural or legal persons who report.

By acquiring a service, Rufepa does not confer any right of the purchaser alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication about it, reserving Rufepa all these rights. The transfer of these rights require the prior written consent by Rufepa. Intellectual property extends, in addition to the content included in Rufepa, its graphics, logos, design, images and source code used for programming.

5.- Use of service and responsibilities.

Rufepa does not guarantee the continued availability of services, being exonerated by any potential liability for damages caused due to the unavailability of service due to force majeure or errors in such networks for data transfer, beyond his control. 
Rufepa is not responsible for the content of links to other Web sites other than his title and, therefore, can not be controlled by it. 
The client says he knows that the information provided by Rufepa across its services, it is not legal and is provided solely for informative purposes.

Privacy Policy

6.- Applicable law and jurisdiction.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of Spain.

7.- Notifications.

All notices, requests, demands and other communications to be carried out by the parties in connection with these Terms and Conditions, must be made in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly made when they were hand-delivered or sent by regular mail to home of the other party or e-mail it, or any other home or e-mail for this purpose that each party may designate to the other.

8.- Nullity and inefficiency of the clauses.

If any clause included in these Terms and Conditions be declared partially or totally ineffective or invalid, such invalidity or ineffectiveness will affect only that provision or part thereof that is invalid or ineffective, subsisting the General Conditions in everything else, taking such a provision, or part thereof that is affected by not placing.

9.- Obligation to make proper use the Web.

The use of the information contained in our website will be conducted in accordance with the law and rules and specific conditions of each element of it, in addition to the standards set forth in these Terms of Use. All this information is protected by copyright, and where appropriate by copyright and ownership, and / or legal norms guaranteeing intellectual property, so that any unauthorised use may lead to a violation of such protective rules. Specifically the user must bear in mind the following:

a) Rufepa allows the free consultation of this information and its use on condition that the source is acknowledged: "Source: www.Rufepa.com."

b) It is, however, prohibited from copying, reproduction and distribution of data collected at our site, whatever the electronic medium, allowing the availability of this information to multiple users without the written permission of Rufepa.

c) It is also prohibited from copying, reproduction and distribution of pages and pictures from the web but the source is acknowledged.

d) In any case, the correct use of information is not allowed to tamper with or alter its contents.

10.- Exclusion of responsibilities, advice or recommendations.

a) Rufepa is not responsible directly or indirectly or alternatively for any loss or damage suffered by the user arising out of access to this site or use applications or information contained therein.

b) This site does not provide any recommendation on products or services other than those expressed or advice whatsoever.

c) Cookies: Cookies are not used.

d) www.Rufepa.com is displayed in all resolutions from 800x600 without loss of quality. It is supported by browsers: Explorer, Opera, Netscape and Mozilla.

11.- Confidentiality of personal data:

The processing of personal data that are managed through this web take place in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, December 13, Protection of Personal Data.

The sole purpose of taking data is to maintain the contractual relationship of Client Services as you decide to consult. The data collected are: name, e-mail and can be rectified or cancelled at any time that we have reached the mail unencrypted through communication to our staff in info@rufepa.com.

Rufepa receive data sent by you through unencrypted form or contact for consultations, which will reach our mail. You agree to send such data through it.

No data is transferred to third parties at any time or will be made public. These data are not stored in any database or files.

The information provided by you must be truthful. For these purposes, you guarantee the authenticity of all those data to provide as a result of the completion of the forms necessary for the information requested. Alike, will be the responsibility of the Client maintain such information constantly updated to respond, at any given moment, the actual situation of the client.

You are solely responsible for the shipment or the demonstrations that make false or inaccurate and the damage caused to third Rufepa or by the facilitates information.

12.- Applicable law and jurisdiction:

The use of this website is governed by the Spanish Laws regardless of the legal environment of the user. Any dispute which may be created as a result of these Terms of Use shall be settled in the Spanish courts of San Javier (Murcia).

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