Rufepa includes in many of their projects with hidroponic irrigation the system of Ultra Violet (UV) disinfection system of irrigation drainage.
Usually and depending on the climate conditions or the crop we can have a drainage from the substrate between 35% and 20% of the total volume of water, either with hanging gutters of draingutters over the ground. This drainage water is full of nutrients that with the precise system can be reused. The UV Disinfection and Reusing Water System collect all the drainage water into a common watertank. From this watertank it is pumped to a group of Ultra Violet Water Purifiers which will apply germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce short-wave radiation that is lethal to bacteria.
Once this drainage water is bacteria free, it can be reused for the next fertirigation shift saving water and nutrients.
With this equipment the grower gets: